the goods

In September of 2006, I decided to "up-root" from my hometown of Pensacola. I have never lived any other place since I was born (unless you count a very brief, somewhat awkward, residence in Gainesville in 2000) so this was a very big deal. But, it was definitely time for a change, and following in the footsteps of my big sister, I decided to spread my wings in Tampa (and dragged my son along for the ride). While it was hard to leave a place I love so much, having family close by has definitely made the journey easier. My mom lives in the St. Pete area and my sister, Michelle, her husband, Scott, and my handsome nephew, Austin, live , literally, right around the corner.

In January of 2007, Charlie also made the move to the area which has been a blessing for myself and jackson as well.

So here we are, Loving Life, making memories, and, doing our very best to live each day to it's fullest potential.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jackson is learning to swim....

except I guess that means he needs to loose the swimmies and the boogie board.....

He loves the water and wants to swim by himself so badly, but he gets so freaked out when it comes down to it...

We are gonna try again this weekend....